Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Fireworks Rant
What is wrong with people?!? We went to watch fireworks at Thanksgiving Point last night (not my idea) and sat in the middle of redneck central. There was the guy out front lighting illegal fireworks off his cigarette, the names Dakota, Koda and Cody more times than I can count, the half-dozen of children running out in the street where the things were being lit in BARE FEET! What is wrong with these people?
One urchin picked our family to hang around with. His name was MaKoda. No, I'm not joking. He was around 10 and nearly climbed into my lap a couple times, directed us when and where to light our (puny) ground flowers and poppers. A couple times he went up and tried to pick up the fireworks while they were going off! Then he started whining (yes! a child not my own whining at me!) about how he never gets to light and "throw" fireworks. And why wouldn't we let him light one?!? I finally told him if he wanted to light fireworks, he should go ask his mom. He was back in 5 minutes with, you guessed it, his own little box of fireworks. I nearly died.
WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!? Why would anyone think it's ok to let a 10 year old light explosives? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!?!
/rant off
PS Hope your fourth was more entertaining and less...disturbing than mine. God bless America.
Posted by Sarah Jean :: 5:11 PM :: 0 Comments: ![]()