Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sudafed Rant
So, I get sinus blockage. When I get a cold it goes straight into my sinuses and sets up camp. As a result, I have tried most sinus meds. Pseudophedrine Hydrochloride, brand name Sudafed, is the aspirin of decongestants. Put simply, it works.
But apparently, it can be made into meth. I don't know how this works, and I don't really care. But because of it, first they had the blister packages, which meant you could only get 12 or 18 pills, which is ridiculous!!! and you had to wrestle with the little plastic bubbles. What is worse than plastic bubbles when you're sick!? And now, it's behind the counter. BEHIND THE COUNTER! Which means you can't get it when the pharmacy is closed. Like, when you're actually sick.
And in its place they're pushing this Sudafed PE crap. CRAP, I say! It doesn't work! Not for me! They should call it Sudafed PA for pansy...never mind, my mom reads this blog. But you have to take twice as much of it, so it costs more and it just doesn't work. CRAP!
So I went to the pharmacy. I waited in line. I provided my address, drivers license, home phone number, etc. I listened to the Australian pharmacist tell me about the Patriot Act and how we would have more freedom if we'd stayed with the UK. Yes, really. My kids were bored. I was late to meet the carpool. But I waited. And they brought me this.
"What is this?" I said, examining the label for the chemical genus and phylum I had memorized. It was real. Pseudophedrine Hydrochloride. I almost hugged the little bottle. But look! It's a bottle, not a box of blister packs! And *gasp* there are 100 of my happy red friends. 100?
"How much?" I've noticed that pharmacists don't feel the need to tell you how much things cost the way most retailers do. I'm not sure why this is. Because the mysterious insurance card is paying for it? Because they're almost doctors (they do wear white coats) and therefore above question? I don't know. But I ask. Cause I'm cheap.
"$1.99...plus tax."
$1.99. Amazing. In case you're wondering about the going price for Sudafed: you can check it here and PE.
I almost asked to buy another bottle. But I didn't want to look like an addict.
Posted by Sarah Jean :: 8:14 AM :: 5 Comments: ![]()