Saturday, February 25, 2006
What's a Meme?
meme (mm) n.
A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
Now that we've cleared that up...
Four Jobs I’ve Had
Early Morning Custodian at BYU
Ice cream server at the student union building (also at BYU)
Copy editor and girl Friday (also at BYU, but better pay and hours)
Doula - My favorite so far, except for being on call 24/7
Four Movies I Can Watch Over and Over
I don't watch that many movies, honestly, but two I could watch just about any time:
What about Bob?
*not a movie, but Sesame Street skits always make me laugh-some of their best stuff:
I guess that means I have a dark, quirky sense of humor...sounds about right.
Four Places I’ve Lived
Sacramento, California
Worthington, Ohio
Provo/Orem, Utah
Magna, Utah
Four TV Shows I Love
Again, I don't entertain myself enough to have 4 current shows I watch every week, but I did like:
The Cosby Show
The Muppet Show
and I am watching Lost pretty faithfully this season.
Four Places I’ve Vacationed
Cancun, Mexico
Manti, Utah
Washington D.C.
Lake Powell, Utah
Four of My Favorite Foods
Belgian chocolates (especially the hazelnut kind!)
Hazelnut chocolate gelato (noticing a theme to this meme?)
KFC biscuits
Yummy, ripe peaches
Four Blogs I Visit Daily
Muum's Musings
Daring Young Mom
Crib Ceiling (not every day, but often, and definitely every Wednesday)
Four Places I’d Rather Be Right Now
Right here, but with my house clean!
On the beach in Cancun >>>>
in Norrath (yes, I'm that kind of geek)
at a homebirth (as an assistant to the midwife--I'm on call and all jazzed up about it!)
Four Bloggers I Now Tag
Everyone I would tag has already been tagged! I guess that means I need to get more blog-friends, huh?
Here's one...I tag you, Heather!
Posted by Sarah Jean :: 2:26 PM :: 1 Comments: ![]()