Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sound of Meme-sic
What is your favorite word ?
I love words...opulent, egregious (Sassy knows why that's making me smile lately), grandiflora...if you give me more time, I'll come up with more. Teaching kids new words is probably one of my favorite things to do. My sunday school class knows all about exodus, genesis and similitude. If you've ever read Davita's Harp by Chaim Potok, that little girl's mother knows all about words. Or maybe it's Asher Lev...anyway, a gifted child in one of Chaim Potok's books has a mother that teaches him words through entymology. That's my favorite way to do it, too.
What is your least favorite word ?
with apologies to all my readers (this is how much I dislike this word, I hate having it in my blog, in print...ugh). My least favorite word is cunt. It sounds ugly and means ugly things. I've made peace with its sister words (vagina and pussy) but this one...just can't shake it. No, I don't know the entymology.
What turns you on spiritually,creatively,emotionally ?
Music...really dramatic music, like Beethoven. Sassy likes Chopin and Mozart, the technically perfect, quick, beautiful. I like Beethoven, Tchaichovsky (wow, have to spell check that) the romantics, the overblown, melodic, sweeping stuff. I like VanHalen and Elton John for the same reason...go figure.
And discussion--really fun, interesting discussion with people stimulates me. I love talking to my dad, my husband, my sisters, my friends...just about anybody.
What turns you off?
Gosh...boredom, monotony, whining (my own internal whines or others')
What's your favorite curse word?
hmmm, so hard to choose. Just kidding. I don't swear that much these days, and usually when I do it's just internally. "crap" is my old standby.
What sound or noise do you love to hear?
laughter, my husband's voice...birds outside my window when I wake up in the morning, a quiet house
What sound or noise do you hate?
anything scraping on paint and/or my kids whining or having a tantrum
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I have a dream of writing for a living.
What profession would you not like to do?
Daycare worker...other people's kids get on my nerves way too fast. Also dry cleaner or nurse.
If Heaven exists,what would you like to hear God say at the pearly gates?
"Everybody hide, here she comes!" (I expect to live a long time and have a big party waiting for me)
Tag! You're it!
The problem with slacking on your blogging is you get tagged last, with a pity tag from your sister, and you don't know anyone who hasn't already been tagged. So if you're reading this, and you haven't done it already-!TAG!
Posted by Sarah Jean :: 1:22 PM :: 2 Comments: ![]()