Sunday, February 10, 2008
Couples Meme
How long have you been together? 10.5 years
How long did you date? before getting married--twice before his mission, and at least 6 times afterwards. Then we got married, and it's all one long date now.
How old is he? older than me, and that's the most important thing
Who eats more? We're pretty evenly matched there, and neither of us are big eaters except when he's preparing for a marathon or I'm pregnant.
Who said "I love you" first? Neither of us can remember, but probably me, based on the normal proportions of our conversations.
Who is taller? He is. When he stands up straight.
Who is smarter? Hard to say--our intelligences are in very different areas.
Who does the laundry? Usually I do.
Who does the dishes? Usually he does.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I usually take the middle half, and he gets both edges.
Who pays the bills? We don't pay bills.
Who mows the lawn? He does.
Who cooks dinner? I do, although he cooks a meal or so every week in his wok.
Who is more stubborn? He is. Don't argue with me.
Who kissed who first? It was a mutual leaning that led to kissing. And then I almost passed out.
Who asked who out? I invited him over for our first casual "date" because he had fixed my motorcycle, but our first date that led to "dating" that led quickly to "engaged" was set up by his dad. I know. We're so cool.
Who proposed? He did, but I accepted so fast he didn't have time to get on one knee.
Who is more sensitive? I am. Perhaps, even overly so.
Who has more friends? I do. He hates people.
Who has more siblings? He does. He's the 4th of 9 children, I'm the oldest of 5. Yes, for real.
Who are you tagging? Hannah and Brad, Drama Momma and Beautopotamus.Labels: love
Posted by Sarah Jean :: 4:01 PM :: 1 Comments: ![]()